by Danelle German | May 22, 2018 | CFMG, Grooming Techniques
I love cats. I always have. They are such narcissistic creatures, totally full of themselves and doing everything on their own terms. What’s not to like? I “fell” into cat grooming quite by accident when I obtained a Persian and was invited to show him at a CFA show....
by Danelle German | May 15, 2018 | CFMG, Grooming Techniques
I was looking through “before the cat groom” pictures the other day, in hunt for something very specific. Afterward I felt gross. Downright dirty. Disgusting. Bleh! I had sifted through hundreds of dirty cat pictures (that’s “dirty” as in gross – not the other kind...
by Danelle German | May 7, 2018 | CFMG, Events
Looking for a new job? Want something niche, slightly odd, and totally buzz worthy? Learn how to groom cats professionally! With loads of cats needing professional grooming attention and very few offering this specialized service in a feline-exclusive environment, the...
by Danelle German | Apr 23, 2018 | CFMG, Grooming Techniques
What clippers and blades will work the best on cat hair? Find out in this Facebook live video with Danelle German, president of the National Cat Groomers Institute. Learn to Set and Define Learn the in’s and out’s of getting crisp, clean Lion Cut lines with our Set...
by Danelle German | Apr 16, 2018 | Business Growth, CFMG, Events
There have been some exciting stuff going on here at NCGI and in the cat grooming industry and I want to make sure you’ve been checking out all the available resources. So, I’ve rounded up 5 things for you to read, watch and take action on! – Lynn...