Upsells and Add-Ons Online Course


Content in this course comes from an hour and half seminar taught to a live audience at the Groomer Beach Retreat in 2016 that has been broken down by topic. Additional tools and resources have been added to further help students in their endeavor to grow their revenue by offering cat grooming services and add-on services, implementing surcharges for neglect situations, and upselling a customer into services they aren’t yet aware of but can receive great benefit from receiving.


Content in this course comes from an hour and half seminar taught to a live audience at the Groomer Beach Retreat in 2016 that has been broken down by topic. Additional tools and resources have been added to further help students in their endeavor to grow their revenue by offering cat grooming services and add-on services, implementing surcharges for neglect situations, and upselling a customer into services they aren’t yet aware of but can receive great benefit from receiving. The information contained in this course is exactly the theory, practices, and tools Danelle herself has used to grow her own feline grooming business when it was not yet a “thing” to have such a niche service built solely for felines.. These same practices and easy-to-follow guidelines are what have been taught to students worldwide through the training and teaching offered by the NCGIA.

Price includes lifetime access to this online course.


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