Know exactly how to groom and handle every cat with confidence

Get the world's #1 Cat Groomer Training
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Work Less • Make More • Love Your Job

It can be challenging to Groom Cats but because it’s challenging, it’s also highly rewarding & lucrative.

The NCGI provides the training needed to make you a badass cat groomer hero everyone raves about.

No one should have to struggle with

 cat grooming! 


Struggling costs too much time. 
It makes the cats angry. It cuts your pay!

There is an easier way!! 

Learn the holds – so you can groom every cat by yourself
Learn the techniques – so your results look awesome and win clients
Learn the process – so you can groom safer and faster and with confidence 


Become Bold & Confident

With proven skills & methods, you’ll be able to groom even the “impossible” cats by yourself..

Work Less
& Make More

Because cat groomers make more per hour than dog groomers, you’ll be able to cut work hours while making more.

Improve Your Business

The business modules in our program equip you to create a better business and be a better manager..

We know what it’s like to spend more time wrestling with a cat instead of grooming it.


That’s why We’ve taken our 20+ years experience as feline-exclusive groomers and built it into
the world’s #1 Training program.



Used Worldwide


Used in Schools and Universities


Featured in Numerous Publications


For Beginners and Experienced Groomers


100s of global success stories

I thought my cat grooms were decent and getting torn apart was normal. The NCGI training taught me I was wrong. Getting my CFMG title has opened so many doors. It has taught me better business management and how to have much better client relationships. I always struggled with a lack of confidence when trying to tell clients what their cat needed or how much it would cost.

Now, I never mention the price. I tell them what I’m going to do rather than ask for their opinion. I am the expert! I truly love my work as a feline-exclusive groomer. Business is booming. The investment in myself was more than worth it!

Sarah Warner, Brisbane QLD

Aristocats Feline Day Spa

I had gone to a grooming academy prior to finding the NCGI and graduated not being any better at cat grooming than I was before I went. I had no knowledge, no practice, no confidence, but the clients and the expectations were rolling in!

After discovering the NCGI, I decided to try this “cat grooming thing” even though I was discouraged after my first attempt at receiving cat grooming “education.”

Admittedly, I was skeptical at first, but time and time again NCGI proved itself right. I went from being afraid to start each grooming day to being excited to see what kind of cats I will get each day. In hindsight, it seems silly…I’ve always loved cats so much it’s like, duh. Of course I would end up as a cat groomer, but I could not have done it without NCGI. You guys are the reason that I now have a career (and a calling!). I was put on this earth to groom kitties!

Jasmine Conrad, Ames, IA

Suite Whiskers

Here’s what you do:


Buy the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus – a distance learning program for both beginners and experienced groomers.


Join the private Facebook group for a guided journey through the Syllabus plus helpful tips, critiques, and more. A link to the group will be sent after purchase. 


Become a highly sought after CFMG™ after completion of all requirements.  Cat owners search our directory every week looking for a CFMG near them!

Stop guessing what you need to know and do to become a confident cat groomer with loyal clients and the highest rate of pay in the grooming industry.

At National Cat Groomers Institute we know that you want to be the badass cat groomer hero everyone raves about.  In order to do that, you needconfident cat grooming with beautiful results.

The problem is you don’t yet have the knowledge and skills to be a confident cat groomer that can make the best decisions for each and every groom.

When you groom cats you always feel a bit unsure of what you need to know and do. You are not alone!

We believe no one should have to struggle with cat grooming.

We understand what it’s like to not have any useful information or to have only bad (and often dangerous) information to follow, which is why we are continually making sure we are the world’s #1 resource for cat groomer education.

Here’s what you do: 

  1. Buy the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus 
  2. Join the private Facebook group: “Cat Grooming Simplified”
  3. Get Certified!

So buy the Syllabus now, and in the meantime, register for this free webinar, so you can stop guessing, feeling unsafe or missing out on this incredible revenue stream and instead become a bold, fearless hero to appreciative clients and benefit from elite status as a CFMG.

Register now for the FREE webinar “The Three Biggest Mistakes Groomers Make When Grooming Cats (and how NOT to make them!)

Get on the list so you can be the first to know about special offerings, training events, and opportunities!

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