How to Become a Certified Feline Master Groomer

To become a Certified Feline Master Groomer™ (CFMG™) through the National Cat Groomers Institute (NCGI), follow these steps:

1. Obtain NCGI Membership: Ensure you have an active membership with the NCGI, as it’s required to register for and complete certification exams. You can sign up for membership at anytime to gain access to an additional library of articles, recorded webinars and more. 

2. Prepare for Written Exams: Study the following subjects for the 4 written exams:

  • Temperament & Handling
  • Breeds, Colors & Genetics
  • Anatomy & Health
  • Business Management

The NCGI offers the Written Exam Certification Prep online course which includes the materials to study for the written exams. This course is included in the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus or can be purchased separately.

3. Register for Written Exams: Each written exam must be taken under the supervision of an approved proctor (e.g., librarian, teacher, or grooming school instructor).

Register and pay the exam fee of each written exam requested through the NCGI website.

4. Prepare for Practical Exams: Gain proficiency in the following grooming techniques:

  • Shorthaired Full Coat Groom (includes de-shedding and nail cap application)
  • Longhaired Full Coat Groom (includes sanitary clip, half-belly shave, and full belly shave)
  • Lion Cut – Standard
  • Lion Cut – Variation
  • Comb Cut (includes face trim and toe tuft trim)

While there are no mandatory training materials for the practical exams, the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus is highly recommended for comprehensive preparation and to schedule hands-on instruction with a NCGI Certifier. For most groomers, we recommend a minimum of 3-5 days of training before attempting practical exams.

5. Schedule Practical Exams: Practical exams must be conducted in person by an NCGI Certifier. Contact a Certifier directly to arrange your exam sessions by either traveling to the Certifier’s salon or by hosting them at yours.

Register and pay the exam fee of each practical exam taken through the NCGI website.

6. Achieve Passing Scores: Attain a minimum score of 85% on each of the nine exams (four written and five practical) to earn the CFMG™ title.

By diligently following these steps, you can achieve the CFMG™ designation, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to excellence in feline grooming.

How Much Does It Cost to Become a Certified Feline Master Groomer?

Becoming a Certified Feline Master Groomer™ (CFMG™) through the National Cat Groomers Institute (NCGI) involves several costs:

NCGI Membership: An active membership is required to register for and complete certification exams. The annual membership fee is $60.00.

Exam Fees: There are nine exams—four written and five practical—each costing $65.00. The total for all exams is $585.00. If a written exam is not passed, there is a $45.00 retake exam fee. There are no retake fees for practical exams, they are paid once a passing grade is confirmed.

Study Materials: While not mandatory, the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus is highly recommended for comprehensive preparation. It includes books, online courses, and access to a private Facebook group for students. The syllabus is priced at $1,197.00.

Practical Exam Preparation: Hands-on training with an NCGI Certifier is advisable to prepare for practical exams. The costs for personalized private instruction vary by Certifier and location, most Certifiers charge an average of $500-750 per day of private instruction. 

Travel Expenses: Attending in-person training sessions or practical exams may require travel, incurring additional costs for transportation, accommodation, and meals.

Annual Title Renewal: After earning the CFMG™ title, maintaining certification requires an annual renewal fee of $85.00. This includes your NCGI membership renewal as well.

Please note that costs may vary based on individual circumstances and choices regarding preparation and training.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Certification

    Q: Is there a time limit on taking exams?

    A: As long as your NCGI Membership is in good standing, there is no time limit by which you have to complete all 9 exams towards CFMG certification. To stay a NCGI member in good standing, pay the annual renewal fee of $35.00 on or before your renewal date. 

    Q: How long do I have access to the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus?

    A: All NCGI online courses include lifetime access and can be accessed at any time by logging in at

    Q: Do I have to travel for practical exam testing? Can I take the exams via Zoom? 

    A: All practical exam testing is done in person with a NCGI Certifier. The majority of students opt to travel to the NCGI Certifier they want to work with for hands-on instruction and/or practical exam testing. Alternatively, you can choose to host a Certifier at your salon granted you have the equipment, space and cats needed. 

    Q: How many cats do I need to pass my exams?

    A: The number of cats needed during instruction and testing can vary per student. A minimum of 3-5 cats or 2-3 days of grooming is needed to attempt all the elements covered in the 5 practical exams. We highly recommend scheduling hands-on instruction with your Certifier in order to fine tune your grooming skills before attempting practical exams. 

    Q: Do I need the Syllabus to become a CFMG?

    A: If you don’t know what is expected for each part of a cat groom, how will you know if you are ready for exams? How will you know what to learn, where to set lines, and what final result is expected? And do you want to learn this stuff the hard way, through trial and error? Or do you want someone to teach you how, step by step in a proven manner, so you can get down to the business of offering highly skilled and beautiful cat grooming to clients?  If you paid an instructor to teach you everything that is in the Syllabus, you would spend an enormous amount of money doing so and would need to be away from home for months. 

    In short, do you want to guess, waste time and money, and struggle along the way?

    Or do you want the shortest route to earning top dollar as a bad ass cat groomer? (Get the Syllabus!)

    Other options for training:

    Once you have completed or nearly completed the Syllabus training program, the NCGI has a number of Certifiers in locations around the globe who can provide follow up hands-on instruction and exam administration. See the full list of NCGI Certifiers here.

    There are also hands-on 2-week cat grooming schools that are based on the NCGI’s original cat grooming school and incorporate our training materials. The schools provide the opportunity to take both written and practical exams towards CFMG certification.

    Cat Grooming Schools:

    Additional Language Options

    NCGI is an international organization for cat groomers. We are working on expanding testing to include additional languages beyond English. Many of our Certifiers are multi-lingual as well. Contact the NCGI office if you need a particular language instructor and/or written exam.

    Written exams are currently available in the following languages:

    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Mandarin Chinese
    • Spanish

    For hands-on instruction and practical exams, there are Certifiers that speak:

    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Mandarin Chinese
    • Russian


    The NCGI also offers the Certified Feline Creative Groomer™ (CFCG™) title to those wishing to learn the art of creative cat grooming which applies both color and creative design.  In order to obtain CFCG™ certification, a groomer must first earn their CFMG™ certification and then pass one Creative Grooming Practical Exam with an 85% grade or higher. The CFCG practical can be administered during a creative competition or runway (at a trade show NCGI is attending), during a creative workshop or private instruction with a CFCG Certifier.

    The CFCG Certifiers are Danelle German, Lynn Paolillo, Chelsea Waddell and Patricia Lee.