Taking C.F.M.G. Exams

Written Exams:

  1. Temperament & Handling (25 questions)
  2. Breeds, Colors & Genetics (50 questions)
  3. Anatomy & Health (55 questions)
  4. Business Management (essay)

Each exam must be taken under observation by an approved proctor. Proctors can include NCGI Trainers & Certifiers, librarians, teachers, members of the clergy, etc. They CANNOT be related to the student or an employer or employee of the student. NCGI staff may also offer to proctor written exams during trade shows attended or at workshops (if time allows).

The first three exams are “short answer” questions, as in the answers will be anywhere from one word to several sentences. There are no multiple choice, true/false or word banks. The final written exam is an essay, there will be an essay question provided and formatting guidelines on the exam. There are no notes, study materials, etc. permitted during any exam. Each exam has a time limit of 1 hour. A passing grade of 85% for each exam is required for certification.

Students with learning or language challenges may inquire with the NCGI office to set up an exam with an additional time allowance, questions given orally, etc. based on the student’s needs. However, NCGI retains the right to limit these allowances to maintain the high standard of each exam. 

To register for a written exam, scroll down to fill out the registration form. An exam fee of $65.00 is required per exam attempt and must be paid before an exam will be sent to the designated proctor.

Practical Exams:

  1. Shorthaired Full Coat Groom (includes a de-shed and nail cap application)
  2. Longhaired Full Coat Groom (includes a sanitary clip, half-belly shave and full belly shave)
  3. Lion Cut – Standard
  4. Lion Cut – Variation
  5. Comb Cut (includes a face trim and toe tuft trim)

Practical exams must be taken in-person with a NCGI Certifier (no exceptions, no video or Skyped exams permitted). There are no required purchases before practical exams can be attempted, however we highly recommend the Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus, online courses, books, DVDs and/or private instruction with an NCGI Trainer or Certifier.

Each practical exam is graded on the required elements (listed above), plus proper tool & product usage, appropriate handling & safety, a coat that is thoroughly bathed, blown dry and combed out, trimmed nails, cleaned ears & eyes, and neat, crisp shaving for any clipper work. Each cat groom has a time limit of approximately 60-90 minutes, based on the cat’s behavior and temperament. A passing grade of 85% for each exam is required for certification.

To set up a practical exam session, contact the Certifier for availability. Certifiers will take extensive photos and notes during an exam session. They will submit these photos and a score sheet to the NCGI office to finalize grading of practical exams. An exam fee of $65.00 per exam must be submitted to NCGI directly once grades are confirmed as a pass.

 Language Options

The Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus materials are all in English. We are working to have captions available on all video demonstrations and lectures within the training materials. 

The 4 written exams are available in English, French, German and Mandarin Chinese

We also have Certifiers who are able to offer in-person instruction in English, French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese

Exam Registration Form

Please fill out the form below and then you’ll be redirected to our webstore to pay the exam fee for each exam you are requesting. Each exam is $65.00 and retake exams are $45.00. You also must be an active NCGI member to request and take CFMG exams. Sign up by clicking here.