Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus

(12 customer reviews)


We believe you deserve to be the very best cat groomer possible! By having a proven method to follow for each and every cat, the grooms can be done completely, with confidence, and with beautiful results.

The Syllabus includes 18 online courses and 2 books. Shipping is FREE worldwide.*
Upon purchase, books will be shipped (FREE SHIPPING*) and you will receive an admission link by email.

So add the Syllabus to your shopping cart.
Check out as a guest or create an account.
Then follow the link in the confirmation email for access.
Your books will be on their way to you soon!

Also, be sure to request admission to the private Facebook exclusively for Syllabus students and NCGI Instructors, We’ve got lots of extra goodies for you there in addition to weekly assignments to walk you through the entire Syllabus program.

Congratulations! You are on your way to becoming the badass cat groomer hero everyone raves about!

*Buyers in Australia/New Zealand will receive a link to a digital course version of the books. If hard copies are preferred, we can invoice for USPS Express shipping separately and send those once the invoice is paid. Currently the only shipping service USPS is offering to those countries is Express service, which is very expensive. We apologize for any inconvenience for an issue that is beyond our control.



The Syllabus was created to turn you into a super confident cat groomer, equipped to handle any situation.
You’ll be the cat groomer hero everyone in town raves about!

“I’ve been able to shorten my times significantly since starting classes. I was able to get two aggressive cats done (one bath and one lion cut) done in one hour. The first kitty was one everyone has kicked out because she was too aggressive. I was able to keep her mostly calm and she only attempted to bite once, but I was able to get her to relax and finish her. I’m pretty proud of myself!”

The Complete Training Syllabus includes instructional material needed to become a skilled and confident cat groomer and prepare for CFMG certification, whether a beginner or a seasoned groomer.

We take the guesswork out of cat grooming so you can stop:

  • needing an extra set of hands to help you get the job done
  • handing over incomplete grooms because you couldn’t finish
  • fretting over the crazy cats that make you sweat even before they’re out of the crate
  • charging too little for your work
  • dealing with clients that won’t listen to you
  • wrestling with cats more than actually grooming them

We believe you deserve to be the very best cat groomer possible! By having a proven method to follow for each and every cat, the grooms can be done completely, with confidence, and with beautiful results.

The Syllabus includes access to our private student Facebook group, online courses and books (as listed below).

Shipping is FREE worldwide, EXCEPT to New Zealand and Australia (because of discontinued USPS shipping services to those countries). A digital version of the books will be provided to eliminate the need to ship anything.

Upon purchase, books will be shipped* (to all countries except New Zealand and Australia) and you will receive an admission link by email to the program.

So add the Syllabus to your shopping cart.
Check out as a guest or create an account.
Then follow the link in the confirmation email for access.
Your books will be on their way to you soon!

Also, be sure to request admission to the private Facebook exclusively for Syllabus students and NCGI Instructors, We’ve got lots of extra goodies for you there in addition to weekly assignments to walk you through the entire Syllabus program.

Congratulations! You are on your way to becoming the badass cat groomer hero everyone raves about! 

The Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus meets the requirements for Professional Grooming Credential’s Approved Education Study Content for the PGC Exam.

Items included:

  1. Cat Grooming Basics – Foundation to Success, the core foundation course to the entire program containing classes, demonstrations and more from our former cat grooming school program. This course unlocks in two parts, with the full course accessible after 4 weeks.
  2. The Ultimate Cat Groomer Encyclopedia, the most comprehensive cat grooming book on the market containing 180+ pages of grooming technique explanations, criteria for making good groom choice decisions, help with improving speed and confidence, methods for gaining new clients, and more!
  3. Written Exam Certification Prep course, the necessary study material needed to pass all 4 written certification exams.
  4. Temperament and Handling Study Aids course, a supplemental guide to mastering the foundational aspects of identifying and understanding feline temperaments to aid with solo handling and confident grooming.
  5. Health and Anatomy Study Aids course. a supplemental guide intended to help with preparing one for the corresponding written exam.
  6. Breeds, Colors and Coat Types Study Aids course. providing helpful tips and explanations to aid in passing the corresponding written exam.
  7. Here Kitty Kitty course, a 2-hour seminar presentation that includes demonstrations of a Persian groom as well as a lion cut groom.
  8. Get a Grip video course, with demonstrations and explanations specific to grooming aggressive cats and more!
  9. Kryptonite for Cats video course with demonstrations on how bathing aggressive cats can actually calm them.
  10. Nail Trims and Soft Paws course, containing complete instructions for swift nail trimming and Soft Paw application and removal.
  11. The Bath: Why and How course, since the bath is the foundation to every fabulous groom! Discover how to get it right every time and how to overcome the objections that may be encountered.
  12. Cat Handling Techniques for the Groomer, a photo-filled book showing various holds to gain access to every part of a cat’s body whether shaving, drying, combing, etc.
  13. Cat with a Mat course, includes lessons on how to remove mats and pelts as well as how to prevent these situations.
  14. The Lion Cut course, includes demonstration of lion cut and handling techniques on a typical cat.
  15. The Comb Cut course, shows the entire comb cut groom including bath, blow dry, de-matting, and comb cut process.
  16. The Face Trim course, provides instruction and demonstration on the Persian/Himalayan face trim including handling techniques.
  17. Grooming the Aggressive Cat course, the most comprehensive course ever on handling, grooming, and completing grooms on highly aggressive felines by a single groomer. Includes original Kryptonite for Cats video footage of actual grooming demonstrations of highly fractious felines complete with theory and explanation
  18. Senior Cats course, instruction and demonstrations on how to best handle the special needs presented by elderly cats including those in bad condition or with attitude.
  19. Marketing 101 course, provides explanation of online marketing elements necessary to properly and effectively market a grooming business, especially a feline-specific kind.
  20. Business Development course, a 3+ hour class recorded during the former cat grooming school program containing a wealth of information for successful business start-up. operations, growth, and management.

(Note:Items contained in the Syllabus can be purchased separately. When purchased separately, total cost for all is over $2000 + shipping.)

*Buyers in Australia/New Zealand will receive a link to a digital course version of the books. If hard copies are preferred, we can invoice for USPS Express shipping separately and send those once the invoice is paid. Currently the only shipping service USPS is offering to those countries is Express service, which is very expensive. We apologize for any inconvenience for an issue that is beyond our control.

Terms and Conditions:
Books can be returned for a refund if shipped back unopened and in new, resalable condition within 30 days. Refund will be based on 50% of retail syllabus pricing plus any additional discounts that may have been given at the time of purchase. A 20% restocking fee and our incurred shipping costs to get the books to you will be deducted from the refund amount. Online or digital materials are nonrefundable.

12 reviews for Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus

  1. Jaz Nelson

    I’ve been able to shorten my times significantly since starting classes. I was able to get two aggressive cats done (one bath and one lion cut) done in one hour. The first kitty was one everyone has kicked out because she was too aggressive. I was able to keep her mostly calm and she only attempted to bite once but I was able to get her to relax and finish her. I’m pretty proud of myself

  2. Joseph Q.

    I wish this kind of information was around when I had cats as clients who I thought were the spawn of satan….. reading on how to properly restrain , if I knew back then what I know now… grooming experiences would’ve been a whole lot better.
    I had a cat who was bathed every 2 weeks but every time I’d wash her, she would begin to flail all over the place and sometimes turned into a frantic state, once cat reached that’s stage, I stopped the groom and multiple times returning a damp/wet cat because was unable to dry unfortunately.

  3. Emily R.

    I was one of those groomers who only did a cat if it was “nice” or had been groomed before, and I’d only offer lion cuts or nail trims and never fully dry – Fast forward to now …still learning but my confidence is way way way up! I now take on all cats when the owners come my way, even those the owner wants to stop getting sedated and try a groomer willing to attempt without. I feel less frustrated and more educated. I know the grooms are not perfect to where I want them to be some days yet but I’m growing and now offer most cat grooming services except the comb cuts since I lack a clipper vac. I even have personally bought a secondary dryer to help get cats drier with less stress. I went from trying to get out of grooming most cats to now preferring cats over the dogs.

  4. Carolyn

    I went to cat grooming school only so that I could learn how give cats the same service that I was giving dogs. I didn’t know that the NCGIA had a FB group. I definitely had no plans to start a business or become feline exclusive. I wasn’t planning to do house-calls. I didn’t even have a car.

    But after I became a CFMG I didn’t want to do anything else.
    C.A. New York

  5. Melissa

    I am a long time dog groomer; I had some cat experience when I left for NCGIA in 2014. I was also a new grooming business owner at that time. I signed up to improve my cat grooming skills and increase my cat clientele. I attended NCGIA, and I left with so much more! NCGIA helped enable me to be more confident as a professional groomer and business owner, to say the least. The knowledge and skills I learned grew my cat business. I have over 250 cat clients, most on regular schedules, and business is good! I cannot speak highly enough about the instruction I received and the techniques I learned. Becoming a CFMG opened up a new world for me. I became a cat grooming professional. I know my cat breeds, how to re-book a client, charge what I am worth, safely handle any cat that comes my way, and so much more! NCGIA has breathed new life into this groomer’s career.

  6. Katrina

    I had been a groomer for twenty years or better before I had heard of the NCGIA. I think I did an adequate job with cats if you consider there was no cat grooming school and very little information out there when I started. I was very excited when I saw what was possible. Going to the school and becoming a CFMG was very important to me. It gave me the feeling of being the best at something and I felt reinvigorated. Learning and growing in your chosen field keeps it from feeling stale and heads off “groomer burnout.” I believe, and I tell others this all the time, I think my cat grooming skills improved 100% just from the educational materials alone. I also feel a bond with my classmates. We achieved it together. There are a small number of CFMGs worldwide, I’m very proud to be among their number.

  7. Reeda Close

    To say my decision to jump on a plane with 2 weeks notice and fly across to the other side of the world was a good investment is an understatement.
    I was previously a dog exclusive groomer who wanted knowledge and skill before touching cats. Now, 6 years later I have sold my dog grooming business, have Queensland’s first cat exclusive salon which is booked out 6-8 weeks in advance. More on Saturdays. I am now making more money with less work and have learned to value myself and my work. This would not have been possible without learning from Danelle and the NCGIA. Thank you.

    Reeda Close, Australias’ first CFMG!

    NCGI NOTE: Reeda attended our former school program located in South Carolina that ran from 2010 through 2015. The Complete Cat Groomer Training Syllabus replaces the school program and contains classes, lessons, and video demonstrations from that time. To follow up with hands-on instruction and/or exams, there is a list of Approved Trainers and Remote Certifiers listed on our website. These trainers/certifiers are located in various parts of the world to make pursuit of CFMG education much cheaper and more easily accessible than it once was.

  8. LaDean Gordon

    Now 2.5 years in business we now have 450 cats on our books growing more every week, and we owe a LOT of that to our training and certification from NCGI! The confidence we have from the Veterinarians in our area based on our education is something that we would have never had without it.

    We are the only feline exclusive salon in our area and have clients who drive up to 4 hours one way to have us groom their cats because they want CFMG’s who are trained and certified to groom their cats.

    The investment made to go through the CFMG program is well worth it if you haven’t enrolled already what are you waiting for! Dive in and join the family!

  9. Samantha P.

    I can not express how much I love cat grooming. Every single day I find myself gushing to a client about how much I love my job. And they always respond with, “Yea! I can tell!”
    I just want you guys to know HOW MUCH I appreciate you and how you’ve impacted my life. I was a bonafide dog lover and I would’ve never imagined any of this.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Danelle and Lynn.

  10. Terri Kasten

    looking to get started.

    • Danelle German

      Great Terri! We have a Bootcamp starting on January 5th for all Syllabus students. We hope to see you there!

  11. Ejuhaina Hassan

    Good place for beginners

  12. Courtney Sturkie

    I love these courses. I’ve been grooming cats for quite a while but I learn something new every day. At dinner each night, we sit at our table and my husband has now started asking “Ok, Courtney, what’s the new cat fact of the day?” And I love it. haha. Thank you for building such a user-friendly online course too! Sometimes online learning is confusing! You put this together very well. ❤️

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