I was a Social worker for 20 years! Two months ago, quit my job and opened exclusive cats only salon and love it!
– Monique Guild, Ontario
I was a graphic designer, doing commercial embroidery and digitizing. Now happy beyond words loving on kitties each day. Started this path at 56.
– Gabi Tiefenbrunn, CFMG, Arizona
I feel so fortunate have gone through the program! The experience changed my life forever. I went from 12 years of human law enforcement, dealing with aggressive humans & terrible train wreck situations to positive happy ones that I CHOOSE to work with! Becoming a CFMG was a game changer that literally saved my life from the downward spiral of depression.
– Mel Brink, CFMG, Iowa
To say my decision to jump on a plane with 2 weeks notice and fly across to the other side of the world was a good investment is an understatement.
I was previously a dog exclusive groomer who wanted knowledge and skill before touching cats. Now, 6 years later I have sold my dog grooming business, have Queensland’s first cat exclusive salon which is booked out 6-8 weeks in advance. More on Saturdays. I am now making more money with less work and have learned to value myself and my work. This would not have been possible without learning from Danelle and the NCGI. Thank you.
– Reeda Close, CFMG, Brisbane
Before my NCGI training I was a good cat handler, with an interest in grooming. As a result of my training, I am now confident in saying that I am an excellent cat groomer and great cat handler. I have a reputation for providing the very best cat care, and my business is booming! Thank you NCGI!
– Sally Staples, CFMG, British Columbia
I have worked in the healthcare industry for 30 years. Since I trained at the NCGI and started my own feline-exclusive cat grooming business, I can’t imagine doing anything else. It pays so much better and, most importantly for me, is the feeling I get when I help a cat with an issue their owner thought was insurmountable. I feel very appreciated by owner and cat in this profession. Becoming a Certified Feline Master Groomer has opened a door for me that I never imagined going through and I have such a positive feeling about the path to my future…thank you NCGI.
– Debra Norton, CFMG, British Columbia
I have been a Sales Exec for most of my working life. Selling anything from cardboard boxes, office products, dental materials and mostly skincare/cosmetics. I’m still doing this while I build up my cat clientele. I have finally found something I truly love to do….who would have thought it would be grooming cats!
– Karen Carr, CFMG, Australia
I always loved dogs and cats and doing hair. When I got into high school I didn’t know if I wanted to be a vet or be a hair stylist. So I chose grooming. I had the world of both. I started at age 18 and I’m 46 now, and love it, especially cats!
– Lisa Elders, CFMG, CFCG, South Carolina
A 13 yr dog groomer who occasionally bathed a cat! With over 30 groom shops in the area I needed to find a special niche besides simply using a holistic approach with pets. I have gained confidence, respect, and with a great business 101 training while working with cats @ NCGI while achieving my CGMG. I am proud to be First CFMG in Middle TN. Feline Fridays is the Spa your Cats Purrfers!
– Alicia Ellis, CFMG, Tennessee
I was a business economist, was working as head of finance and administration till meeting Danelle German, founder of the NCGI, while she was in Zurich teaching a class. I turned my stressful life upside-down, and I became CFMG satisfied with my life as cat groomer more then ever.
– Helena Schmid, CFMG, CFCG, Switzerland
The NCGI transformed my life, perhaps it sounds like too outrageous a statement but it’s true! Becoming a CFMG was the best thing I ever did. I was a hairstylist and was getting bored and this provided the challenge I needed. Also what was supposed to just be a once a month cat grooming day exploded immediately into a full fledged multi day business with no end of cat clientèle in sight. Not to mention the money is better then hairstyling and dog grooming. Plus that awesome feeling of helping a cat out, getting them clean to the highest standards, and seeing the smile on the clients face when they pick up; well that’s the best part of being a CFMG and it couldn’t have been achieved without the NCGI.
– Kevin Beck, CFMG, Ontario
I made a career change from clinical diagnostics to cat grooming. NCGI made it possible by providing me with the tools and skills necessary to excel and grow my business!
– Angeli Sonstegard, CFMG, Maryland
As a public school teacher I was at the top of the scale for my level of education, plus I was paid and additional stipend because I had my masters degree. When that was factored into my 15 years of experience, my time teaching at private schools was not recognized, divided by the number of days I actually worked, I can tell you I make more now in three hours of cat grooming than I made in one day (6 hours with students plus prep, district paperwork and parent communications) of teaching. I can also say, I make more in three days (my current work week for seeing clients) than I did in 5 days of teach with none of the headaches or nonsense that goes along with the bureaucracy of a public held position. Looking for a second career, and love cats, I absolutely suggest getting your CFMG and starting your own business as a feline exclusive cat groomer!
– Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG, California
I have worked with cats for many years before attending NCGI. What I learned were all the different handling techniques to make cat grooming safer, easier and relaxing for the cat and for me. I love that Danelle is always working to bring more equipment and products for a better result. Thanks
– Veronica Negrin, CFMG, Ontario